"Never write for free." This was the advice I was given years ago when I decided I wanted to become a freelance writer. Like most people wanting to write, I responded with "How do I make a name for myself, then? How do I build a portfolio?" The answer was…
Just Don’t Panic
If you are someone trying to make a living by writing, especially writing books, you must have certainly felt some anxiety in recent years. The decline of book buying in America has been somewhat replaced with e-books, but as we know, e-books don't pay the bills like selling a paper…
Quick Note on “Getting Published”
There's no trick to getting published. With the obvious caveats—that a person has solid writing skills and a fair amount of tenacity—if someone wants to be a published author, he or she can. The rub is that most would-be authors don't want to just be published, they want their book…