School does not necessarily prepare you to be a writer, so there is a market for books that promise to teach writers about the craft. In fact, there are way too many books, and I have the unpleasant belief that the more "how to write a novel" books you buy,…
Crafting a Theological Sentence
I've edited many books about theology, biblical studies, and church history. Most of this work is for the academic market, but the publishers I work with also hope that these books find a more general readership. As a result, I read a lot of readable manuscripts on very interesting subjects.…
Recent Design Projects
My brother-in-law was looking for fliers to promote his business this year. I like how they turned out. I've also included an ad I worked up for the Clarkston Area Mothers & More group.
April Fool’s Book Cover
Christmas Project
I stole this idea from a post on Pinterest, but I pulled the design together myself.
Random Design Projects with Circles
Writing Wrongs: A Guide to Crafting Respectable E-mail
Many people bemoan the cultural slackening that introduced Casual Fridays into the workplace, the devil-may-care dress code of the Internet start-up, and the banishment of the neck tie from all but the highest levels of business. The wisest among us balance the demands of a more relaxed attitude with the…
More Big Words
pernicious – highly injurious or destructive abtruse – difficult to understand; hidden or concealed opprobrious – disgraceful (opprobrium is the disgrace attached to actions considered evil or wrong) putative – generally considered or reputed to be seminal – something that effects later developments caprice – a sudden, unpredictable action or notion assertoric – describes…
Ten Great Gifts for Writers
I can be a bit of a shopper, at least in theory anyway. Maybe it would be more correct to say I am an avid browser. This most likely stems from my lifelong commitment to procrastination. Do I have some writing to do? Maybe I should double-check that thing online...…
Website Icons
There was a time there when I was trying to unify the look of my website. To that end I created a mess of icons and images that all kind of look the same.